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Site Contents

What's New

History of the Aztec Club

Our New Book for Mexican War and Civil War Enthusiasts

The Mexican War

Presidents Tyler and Polk on the War With Mexico

U. S. Intervention in Mexico

Oration of a Veteran Given in 1883

Mexican War Service from West Point

Veterans of the War with Mexico in California

Overview from Texas

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Declaration of the People of Texas

President James K. Polk's Message of May 11, 1846

Camp Life

Ohio Volunteers in Camp

McClellan on Volunteers

Battle Perspectives

Battle of Palo Alto (American Perspective)

Battle of Palo Alto (Mexican Perspective)

Battle of Cerro Gordo (American Perspective)

Battle of Cerro Gordo (Mexican Perspective)

Battle of Monterey (American Perspective)

Battle of Buena Vista

Battle of Buena Vista

Chapultepec and the Garitas of Mexico

Naval Expeditions

The Broad Pennant

Assault on Alvarado

Court Martial of Lt. Charles G. Hunter

Naval Assault on Tabasco

Naval Assault on Tuxpan

Naval Assault on Vera Cruz

More on the Battle of Buena Vista

The Pacific Squadron in California

Art Gallery -- Views of the Mexican War

Camp of the Army of Occupation


Battle of Contreras

Art Gallery - Battle of Monterey

Attack on the Casa Mata

Battle of Molino del Rey

Battle of Monterey

Monterey from Independence Hill

Capture of Monterey

Battle of Monterey - Mexican Perspective

Mexican Withdrawal Toward Saltillo

View of the Valley Toward Saltillo

Art Gallery - Other Battles

Siege of Puebla

Battles of Resaca de la Palma and Palo Alto

Battle of Palo Alto

Battle of Sacramento

Battle of Sacramento (Mexican Perspective)

Battle of Buena Vista

Battle of Buena Vista

Battle of Cerro Gordo

Art Gallery - Closing Battles of the Mexican War

Battle of Churubusco

Assault on the Belen Gate

Storming of the Castle at Chapultepec - Pillow's Attack

Storming of the Castle at Chapultepec - Quitman's Attack

Storming of the Castle at Chapultepec

Quitman Entering Mexico City with Battalion of Marines

Winfield Scott's Entry into Mexico City

Art Gallery - Siege of Vera Cruz

Rendezvous of the Army Before the Siege of Vera Cruz

Frigate Mississippi at Vera Cruz

Attack of Gunboats at Vera Cruz

Naval Bombardment of Vera Cruz

Naval Battery at Vera Cruz

Landing of Troops at Vera Cruz

Art Gallery - Naval Expeditions

Crossing the Bar at the Mouth of the Tabasco River

Ascending the Tuspan River

Ascending the Tabasco River at Devil's Bend

Attack of the Mexicans at Tabasco River

Landing of Naval Expedition at Tabasco

Capture of Tabasco

Battle Maps

Map of the Mexico Valley

Battle of Buena Vista

Battle of Cerro Gordo

Storming of Chapultepec

Battle of Churubusco

Battle of Contreras

Routes to Mexico City

Battle of Molino del Rey

Taylor's Route to Monterey

Battle of Monterey

Battle of Palo Alto

Battle of Resaca de la Palma

Battle of Sacramento

Landing at Vera Cruz

Perspectives from Mexico on the Mexican-American War

The War Chronicle

Dynamics of Confrontation

Mexican War Memorial Page

U. S. Army Military History Institute Bibliographies

Winfield Scott

The Mexican War

Other Resources

U. S. - Mexican War (PBS Web Site)

Timeline of Mexican History

Bibliography of Naval History in the Mexican War

Soldiers from Indiana

Soldiers from Illinois

Soldiers from Mercer Co., Kentucky

Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna

Irish Soldiers of Mexico

Sources at the Connecticut State Library

Index Connecticut Regular Army

Tennessee's Mexican War Monument