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1874 Meeting - At the White House

Undoubtedly one of the more memorable annual meetings of this time period, the members gathered on September 14, 1874 at Willard's Hotel, Washington, D. C. The main focus of this meeting was the growing desire to position the Aztec Club for the future, thereby ensuring its perpetuity.

The minutes, recorded by Professor Henry Coppee acting as the Club's Secretary, state:

The Aztec Club met pursuant to the call of its President, General Robert Patterson, at 4 o'clock P.M. The office of secretary being vacant the President requested Henry Coppee to act pro tem. The roll was then called, and the following men answered to their names:

General Robert Patterson
General Thomas Alexander
General Benjamin Alvord
General William F. Barry
General George A, H. Blake
General Milledge L. Bonham
General Robert Buchanan
General George Cadwalader
Professor Henry Coppee
General Peter V. Hagner
General Schuyler Hamilton
Captain Edmund F. Hardcastle
Professor Henry L. Kendrick
General William M. Mackall
General Henry Prince
Dr. Benton Randall
General Oliver L. Shepherd
General Zealous B. Tower
General Cadmus M. Wilcox

Letters of Regret:

General John M. Brannan
General Joseph L. Hooker
General Innis N. Palmer

The Treasurer reported that six additional medals had been paid for by him. These were distributed as follows: General Ulysses S. Grant, Benjamin Huger, Milledge Bonham, Cadmus Wilcox, William W. Mackall and William H. French.

Following the business meeting, the minutes reflect:

Additional Social Record
At 7 o'clock, P. M., September 14, 1874, in pursuance of the invitation of General U. S. Grant, President of the United States, a member of the Club, the members present repaired to the White House to dine with him. They were received by the President and Mrs. Grant, and at half past seven were ushered into Dinner in the State Dining Room. The additional guests were the Hon. Hamilton Fish, Secretary of State; the Hon. Benjamin H. Bristoe, Secretary of the Treasury; the Hon. Marshall S. Jewell, Postmaster General; the Hon. George H. Williams, Attorney General; General Horace Porter, General O. E. Babcock, and General Robert E. Patterson; Dr. Sharp Marshal of the District and General Benjamin R. Cowen, Assistant Secretary of the Interior. The occasion was an unusual and is a memorable one. Testaments were offered and responded to; letters from absent members read, and a long and delightful evening was passed by all.

The actual page of the minute book can be viewed by clicking the button below. Be sure to close that window before proceeding.


Proceed to the next page for a listing of those who attended this historic dinner.

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